Holistic Medical Care

The human body has a wonderful capacity to heal itself, yet many people deprive their bodies of that ability by solely focusing on traditional medicine for most ailments. Holistic medicine takes a whole-person approach to medical care and wellness. As more and more people want to feel better without reliance on drugs, this is an area growing in demand. Let’s take a closer look at what holistic medicine is, where it comes from, and how it is making a difference in the health and wellness of patients in the 21st century.

What Is Holistic Medicine?
The word holistic means “dealing with the whole”. From this definition, we understand holistic medicine involves the wellness of the entire person. Holistic medicine dates all the way back to the beginning of time. It is the precursor to modern medicine as evolution and technological advances rolled about hence why it is called “traditional medicine”. Although modern medicine labels it “alternative medicine” let it be known that holistic medicine is still very relevant in the treatment of diseases, sometimes better than what modern medicine may offer. Many of the medications offered today stem from traditional herbs so in a sense; traditional medicine is the God-father of allopathic medicine. A holistic practitioner will treat not only the physical ailment or condition, but also the emotional, mental and even spiritual aspects that aggravate the condition.

Types of Holistic Treatments We Offer
Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate areas of the body to release energy or activate the nervous system to help ease chronic conditions. Acupressure does the same thing, but instead of needles, it uses a small amount of pressure.
Ayurvedic Medicine
The Ayurvedic practice uses herbs, metals, and dietary changes to address health issues. This practice also focuses on how people and their environments are closely connected.
Trigger Point Injections (Homeopathy)
At Middletown Chiropractic, we do not play politics when it comes to your health. Our motto is “do whatever is best for the patient”. Our trigger point injections are safe and effective and are performed by only qualified practitioners (MDs, NPS). Contents are from natural plant base and cause little to no irritation. Not everyone needs trigger point injections, but we recognize that chiropractic adjusting doesn’t fix everything. Sometimes a patient requires their condition to subside first before we can render an adjustment, and one way to calm the nerves is by administering trigger point injections into the muscle and joint spaces.
At Middletown Chiropractic, our goal here is to get you well in the fastest, safest time possible. If we suspect something and need to refer you out, we surely will. We have a great relationship with MDs, Dos, NPS, DPMs, and Pts in the surrounding area, and we have formed great referral programs. Rest assured that you are in good hands.