Treatment and Services

Chiropractic Care
Depending on the area of dysfunction chiropractic adjustment frees a joint that is stuck and therefore causes impingement creating pain and discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments are necessary in unlocking a joint thus fixing the root cause of the problem, something physical therapy mods or medications cannot fix. Above all else chiropractic should be safe and Dr. Vince’s methods are safe, effective, and gentle.

Active Release Technique (ART)
Active release technique relieves pain by using manually applied pressure to facilitate the break-up of scar tissue within a joint or muscle. ART is a process that gives muscles therapeutic attention to loosen and break up scar tissue. Scar tissue forms as the body tries to heal a wound or an injury. Scar tissue replaces tissue as a result of injury but it’s never quite as good as the original tissue it replaces. Problems arise when the body produces too much scar tissue and therefore suffocates the muscle or joint. Freeing up structures from scar tissue hindrance enables such structures to heal faster and better.
How The Active Release Technique Breaks up Adhesions
Removing adhesions increases the flexibility of joints and muscles. Loosening or breaking up scar tissue increases blood flow. This has many benefits: it allows muscles to work harder, promotes healing, and reduces or eliminates pain. Unlike many conventional treatments, active release doesn’t take long for its effects to be felt. Unlike the Graston technique, many people can work out right after an ART treatment, which helps affected muscles regain their function even quicker.
Some of the many conditions that the Active Release Technique can successfully treat
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Spinal pain and dysfunction
- Tendonitis and other soft tissue inflammations of the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, and foot
- Sciatica
- Muscle and ligament sprains and strains

Graston Technique (IASTM)
Graston Technique is an instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization technique that is highly effective in removing restrictive scar tissue and adhesions from the muscles, tendons and ligaments anywhere on the body. Particularly effective for sports injuries, Graston Technique provides optimum results when used as part of a physical rehabilitation regime. When soft tissue restrictions are removed, healing is improved and normal function is restored.
How The Graston Technique Works
The way the Graston Technique works is similar to that of PRP injections medical doctors do. The blood has numerous healing properties and the way this procedure works is by creating inflammation to the joint or tissue being treated. Once the technique starts blood flow is aggregated to the area and microscopic events start to take place. Side effects of the Graston Technique include bruising and post-muscle soreness which lasts about a day or two. Once the soreness phase is over collagen has been layered to the damaged tissue and strength is achieved. This technique is unique and should be done by a professional who is licensed. Dr. Vince is licensed and is fully functional in the protocol and has treated many, most of whom have seen results just from a single session.
Graston Technique Treatments are clinically proven in treating the following conditions and injuries:
- Achilles tendonitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Post-mastectomy
- Caesarean scarring
- Trigger finger
- Shin splints
- Scar tissue
- Plantar fasciitis
- Rotator cuff tendonitis
- Achilles tendinosis
- Patellofemoral disorders
- Cervical sprain/ strain
- Medical epicondylitis
- Lumbar sprain/ strain
- Lateral epicondylitis
- Fibromyalgia

Kinesio Taping
Invented by Dr. Kenzo Kase in the 1970s, Kinesio taping has been a go-to treatment for muscle injuries, joint injuries and, chronic pain. When you think about “mind-game” this is exactly what this tape plays on your body through a process referred to as Neuro-muscular-education. When placed correctly this tape bridges the brain-muscle/joint barrier and forms a communication network. This network is only achieved if the tape is placed correctly utilizing the right amount of stretch and distance between the affected area (s) being treated. Dr. Vince is fully qualified and experienced in the protocol.
Kinesio Tape can be worn for several days without changing. And it can even be worn in the shower where the adhesive properties won’t be affected. Kinesio Tape treatment supports injured muscles without restricting their movement, unlike the conventional athletic tape. This is useful for athletes, allowing them to compete or practice effectively. Kinesio Tape also helps non-athletes perform their day-to-day activities more comfortably and with less pain.
Kinesio tape can be applied to most body parts, including the knee, shoulder, ankle, back, groin, elbow, and leg.
Removing adhesions increases the flexibility of joints and muscles. Loosening or breaking up scar tissue increase blood flow. This has many benefits: it allows muscles to work harder, promotes healing, and reduces or eliminates pain. Unlike many conventional treatments, active release doesn’t take long for its effects to be felt. Unlike the Graston technique, many people can work out right after an ART treatment, which helps affected muscles regain their function even quicker.
Graston Technique Treatments are clinically proven in treating the following conditions and injuries:
- Herniated Disc
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Tennis Elbow
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Chronic Knee Pain
- Strains and Sprains

Herniated Disc Treatment
Discs are the soft tissues located between the individual vertebrae that make up the spine. Their purpose is to provide cushioning and flexibility along the entire length of the spine. When healthy, discs are pliable and resilient and aid in proper spinal function and support. However, when a spinal disc undergoes any type of physical trauma, herniation is likely to occur. Physical trauma is not the only cause of disc herniation degenerative disc disease attributed to aging also plays a role.
Discs are filled with a gel-like substance that provides spinal shock absorption. When a disc is damaged or ruptured, this fluid will either leak or dry up, causing the disc to shrink in size or alter its natural positioning, thus leaving the spine at risk for serious injury and damage, which can become permanent if damaged disc structures are not promptly repaired. Acute disc herniation is often easier to treat than chronic due to tissue deformation.
When a disc becomes herniated, it may tear or slip and decrease the necessary space between vertebrae. This can lead to numerous problems, such as painful friction, pinched nerves, nerve damage, spinal imbalances, as well as deteriorated posture, all of which may cause repercussions in other areas of the body, manifesting in pain or health problems.
Herniated disc treatment success rates are significantly higher when the condition is detected early, before the damage has had the opportunity to become permanent. The most effective treatments to restore discs to their natural form include spinal decompression and manual adjustments.
How The Herniated Disc Treatment Works
Chiropractic offers non-invasive, non-surgical treatment for a herniated disc once it has been diagnosed and confirmed through MRI. Most herniated discs are missed due to misdiagnosis. When you get into a car accident or physical trauma the hospital would send you out for an X-ray if forehead-steering wheel impaction does not occur. Here at Prohealth Chiropractic Wellness, our goal is to correctly diagnose you and if we suspect any serious soft-tissue or disc injury we would refer you out for an MRI because we do not play politics when it comes to your health.

Cold Laser Therapy
Effective results from Cold Laser Therapy come from its ability to “bio-stimulate” tissue growth and repair. This results in accelerated healing and a dramatic decrease in pain, and inflammation. Unlike all other treatment modalities, laser therapy actually “heals” tissue as well as provides a powerful non-addictive form of pain management. This treatment is safe and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy
- Relieves acute and chronic pain
- Increases the speed, quality, and tensile strength of tissue repair
- Increases blood supply
- Stimulates the immune system
- Develops collagen and muscle tissue
- Helps generate new and healthy cells and tissue
- Promotes faster wound healing and clot formation
Conditions Cold Laser Therapy Treats Include:
- Pain Relief
- Wound Healing
- Arthritis
- Migraine headaches
- Lower back pain
- Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
- Tendonitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Sprains and strains
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfer's Elbow
- Soft tissue injuries

Corrective Exercise
Knowing each patient is unique, we teach them specific exercises designed just for them to help strengthen and correct their own unique problem. These exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home and or/ office space and can improve the effectiveness of your spinal correction.

Lifestyle Advice
Our goal is to help every patient achieve a fulfilling and happy lifestyle full of the activities they enjoy most. The best way we teach this is through individual coaching. Whether it is sitting, standing, sleeping, backpacks etc. we coach each patient individually addressing whatever issue they may be having and helping them resolve their issues permanently.

Confidential Consultation
Whether it is a surgical opinion whereby you have been told you “need” surgery, to having someone sit with you and fully explain your blood results because you feel it is what could be causing your symptoms we are here to help. Dr. Vince along with other doctors he works with is fully accredited by the state and colleges. This gives him the authority to read radiographs rendering full interpretation along with other tests. If you are not sure about chiropractic or a musculoskeletal procedure you have been told you need to stop by and speak with someone who truly cares about your health.

Nutritional Counseling
We provide specific recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices to enhance our patient’s return to optimal health.

Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point is a knot or tight, ropy band of muscle that forms when the muscle fails to relax. The knot often can be felt under the skin and may twitch involuntarily when touched (called a jump sign). The trigger point can trap or irritate surrounding nerves and cause referred pain – pain felt in another part of the body. Scar tissue, loss of range of motion, and weakness may develop over time.
Therapy for trigger points is offered through manual soft tissue work or homeopathic injection (Traumeel). Trigger point injection (TPI) is used to treat extremely painful areas of muscle. It is used to alleviate myofascial pain syndrome (chronic pain involving tissue that surrounds muscle) that does not respond to other treatments, although there is some debate over its effectiveness. Many muscle groups, especially those in the arms, legs, lower back, and neck, are treated by this method. TPI also can be used to treat Fibromyalgia and tension headaches.
Numbness from the anesthetic may last about an hour and a bruise may form at the injection site. Pain can be relieved by alternately applying moist heat and ice for a day or two. In most cases, stretching exercises and massage are performed following TPI.

Massage Therapy
This service is performed by licensed massage therapist (LMT). This differs from regular massage which is rendered by a masseuse. Medical massage is designed to treat specific medical conditions, special cases involving the fascia (skin). Before this technique is performed the patient is rendered a diagnosis by a physician ranging from acute to chronic conditions. This is sometimes covered by insurance often times not.

Physical Therapy
Here you will meet with a specialist who is licensed and fully capable of performing physical manual therapy. This includes active strengthening exercises under direct supervision, passive or assisted stretches, physiotherapy modalities (TENS, Hot/Cold therapy, IFC, Diathermy, Whirlpool, Laser, Ultrasound).